January 2025

Forums Monthly Challenges January 2025

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    • #18725
      Silks Stars Team

        Supported Back-Flag Roll into Stag Flip Belay and Back Flag Roll Alternative to Stag-Flip Belay (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #18729

          Yay! Yay! Yay!! I’m still on Christmas break and have been obsessively checking to see the new challenge. I do NOT know how you keep coming up with unique challenges but I so appreciate and love it! I needed something to get me out of my lazy laying around Christmas routine and this is it!!! However, I’m already laughing that Brett has given us drills and said it might take more than a month, this must be a doozy! Glad I’m starting early! Bet my extra Christmas pounds aren’t going to help! 😂 Thank you! I just love you guys!

        • #18732

            Ooh so excited to get started!

            One quick note: the shoulder conditioning video is a repeat from Jenn’s floor mobility video.

          • #18744

              Oooh excited! I will have time to work on this one unlike Decembers! So pretty!

            • #18747

                I like this sequence! Brett seems like a Butterfly flowing between poses. I tried the knee hook… Very “slidy” and I don’t use rosin but I Will try with naked knee. Hope that at the end of january I Will crack open nuts with my right popliteal.
                Happy new year!!!

              • #18757

                  Thank you SilksStars for starting the year right, with this awesome sequence from Brett. Happy New Year everyone.

                • #18767

                    First question – is there a way to train the rest of the sequence minus the back flag or back flag alternative entry? I tried with full leggings (rosined it like anything, but still had that initial slip) and bare legs and now have a silk burn on the back of my leg (no to doing this bare legged in the future!), so need to let that recover, but would like to work on the rest of the sequence if possible in the meantime. Thank you 😊

                    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Danica.Liu.
                    • #18770
                      Silks Stars Team

                        Sorry to hear about your behind the knee burn! It is common to happen when first learning! Haven’t found another alternative way to get into the second part without doing either the roll or the roll alternative in the mini rig section but if I do, will certainly share. If you wait a bit for your burn to heal, and/or bandage it and wear an extra layer of tights with lots of spray rosin, the mini rig version is likely doable.. remember to “pinch” the knee grip versus “hang” from it.. having less weight on that knee is KEY to avoiding it from sliding.

                      • #18773

                          Thank you 😊 yes, the rotation took me a couple of goes to remind myself to keep it gripped in my knee pit rather than “relying” on the silks to be there. I found myself out of the wrap confused 😂 I’ll try on my left side for now but the right definitely needs to heal.

                        • #18801

                            So this is starting to feel closer, I can feel the “lift” but then lose the grip and my leg just “fails” on me. Any tips for how to keep that knee tight? My brain is going keep it tight, keep it tight, but I always lose the silk at the top of the rotation.


                          • #18802
                            Silks Stars Team

                              Great progress, Danica! Adding to the list for Q&A.

                            • #18803

                                Yep! I’m having the same struggle! I think I’m keeping that knee tight and then the video tells me different. Amazing how hard it is to keep that gripped! I keep thinking I’ll for sure get it in the next one, but then… so I’m looking forward to hearing Brett’s magic sauce once again!

                              • #18916

                                Hey Love! Here is a different way into the wrap, it’s not too hard!

                            • #18804

                                This is a more general question vs. specific to the challenge this month. For the mini-rig sequences (this month or any month since inception), what is the typical height required to complete a mini-rig sequence?

                                • #18806
                                  Silks Stars Team

                                    Good question. Each coach tries to work within 1-2 climbs, roughly 10-14 ft. Some Silks Stars make magic with some tight spaces, use the floor creatively or are very specific about the wraps.

                                • #18811

                                    When I pass my knee behind the silks to get into the stag position near the end, I can get it through and turn into the pose but my foot keeps getting stuck. Any tips?

                                  • #18822

                                      Hi Brett! Could you explain/show in more detail what “follow the tail” means when getting out of the belay knot? Thanks.

                                      • #18852
                                        Silks Stars Team

                                          Yes, great question. We went into detail of this at the Q&A. Let us know if you have anymore questions on that.

                                      • #18827

                                          Any tips for getting the knot and tails in the right place for the flip over into the belay. I seem to have better success when I manage to keep the knot behind my back as I sink down from the stag position but can’t seem to get the placement right consistently. Also, I sometimes get the tail across my body and then create a big mess when I flip over. Occasionally I sink down too far and it’s almost impossible to flip over. Any help would be much appreciated!

                                          • #18837
                                            Silks Stars Team

                                              Hi Carmen, We will look closely at the knot placement during the Q&A. Do you have a link to the video of your tail getting across your body when you flip? That will help us be able to see at what moment that could be happening.

                                              Also would be good to see how much you are sinking before you flip. If you tuck at the waist too much and not have enough active extension, it can cause you to over sink which can make the rotation very difficult..

                                          • #18845


                                              OK, this is a little bit embarrassing but I guess this is how learning and growing happens, by just just bearing yourself lol so silk star community be kind lol you always are! OK, now to my questions. My knee hook flip is very clunky! What can I do to be more smooth like Brett? Also, my horizontal pose is not horizontal lol it is very vertical lol what am I doing wrong? And then as I pull myself up sideways to be horizontal before the spin I feel like I’m climbing a little bit, but it did not look like Brett did that. Also, when he pulled his knees up and through for the invert, it looked like the silks were holding all of his weight. he was telling a story like he was having a tea party yet when I do it, my arms feel like I’m a 2 ton tussie!! Lol I got these questions out of order but I hope you understand what I’m saying. Thanks!

                                              • #18850
                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                  Let us know if the tips from the Q&A turn out to be helpful for you. Sliding was definitely the #1 issue. Good job!

                                              • #18847

                                                  Hi guys I don’t know if I will ever get the initial sequence supported back flag…and wonder if there is another way into the wrap…..

                                                  • #18849
                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                      Hi Jenny, have you tried the mini rig version yet? Hopefully with the tips from the Q&A that mini rig version will work out well for you!

                                                    • #18862

                                                        Yes I have been trying the minirig version. I will try some of the tips from the q&a including climbing up higher as well as more rotating/ committing on the very first move! Fingers crossed

                                                      • #18914

                                                        Jenny! There is another way into the wrap without the roll. Its pretty simple, let me know if this video doesn’t come through: https://www.silksstars.com/community/beccaaerialarts-studio/media/5241/

                                                      • #18941

                                                          Hello Becca. I can’t access your video from this platform…is there another way to see it?

                                                      • #18868

                                                          Hi, not sure if it’s me but I can’t get the Q&A replay to play. I had the same issue yesterday. The page opens up but when I hit play I just get the spinning circle of death. Any ideas?

                                                          • #18876
                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                              Can’t see an issue from our end. Could it be the speed of your internet connection?

                                                            • #18888

                                                                Internet is all good, so not sure. Got it working on my phone instead, how peculiar!

                                                                • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by Danica.Liu.
                                                              • #18895
                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                  Huh! Glad you got it to work! That is baffling to me, yeah technology!

                                                              • #18936

                                                                  Got back in the studio for 2025. Happy new year! Gave this a go today and just couldn’t seem to get around. I watched the Q&A as well and really tried to rotate that bent knee but couldn’t quite figure out how to rotate it further. Any hints? Here is one of my attempts. https://www.silksstars.com/community/caro/media/5243/

                                                                  • #18937
                                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                                      Great question. The moment when your belly is down, the hand is higher than the knee on each fabric. This is where Brett’s cue of making sure the hand is low enough become important. You are only able to rotate at the highest point where you are connected on the fabric and we want that point to be the knee.
                                                                      Happy training! Keep us posted on your progress!

                                                                  • #18943

                                                                      I might have more or less the same problem as Carmen’s but in this practice Video the pole I was holding on to slip out and I’m a bit confused as whether Im already in the belay or not. Ive practice low since I’m not confident enough to take it too high yet. Where have I gone wrong??

                                                                      PS Thank you for the informative Q&A that I actually got this far 😘

                                                                      • #18948

                                                                          Oh I just figured that I accidentally picked up a tail across my chest during the 2nd roll, leaving me in a messy tangle towards the end. It’s all good now. Now the only problem I have now is to flip over smoothly to the belay. 😌

                                                                        • #18949
                                                                          Silks Stars Team

                                                                            Ah! Fantastic! Yes, every tail across a body part that goes through the center matters when dealing with belays 🙂

                                                                        • #18955


                                                                            I know time is running out, but I’m really working hard here! My biggest question is getting my foot out of the double stag. I have no problem getting it out of one strand but I can’t seem to get it out of the 2nd. It doesn’t always open up like in this video, but it does always get stuck and then in the struggle to get it out I sink too low in the wrap (it comes up around my chest) and then I can’t make the forward roll. Any tips would be greatly appreciated because I’m not giving up! … Also February looking SO EXCITING and HARD and it’s a SHORT month! You better go ahead and post that one right after you talk me through this one! 😜 I love you guys! Thanks for everything! SilksStars really just makes my day! Month!

                                                                            • #18956
                                                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                                                Great details to play with here! Your setup is great, the wrap placement looking great before the stag shape. When you turn into the stag, press back with the foot to keep the loop open, and then drop knee down and forward, closing the heel to the hips to release the back foot. All the height and slack you have before the foot gets stuck is what will keep the wrap around the waist rather than the chest for the flip. Keep the weight in the hands while the foot is releasing and the shoulders move forward to initiate the flip to keep the wrap at the waist. Looking great! Go Jill, Go!

                                                                            • #18957

                                                                                Thank you SO MUCH! Can’t wait to get home and put this to practice!

                                                                              • #18998

                                                                                  Hi team. I started this one way too late in the month it seems! I’m not anywhere near close enough to submit. But it is so very beautiful and such a great challenge that I’m keen to keep working on it. Can I keep asking questions about it in this forum after the month ends, and if (I mean when!) I get it can I share it in the future as one of my submissions (instead of a different monthly challenge)?

                                                                                  • #19005
                                                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                                                      Absolutely! You are welcome to submit any previous challenge for video of the month. It does help us if you label it, either in the video name or in the comments, especially the further back the challenge.
                                                                                      And please ask away! That is what the forum is for. 🙂

                                                                                  • #19008

                                                                                      SO excited!! I just joined and posted my first video!

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