technical difficulties watching peoples’ video submissions

Forums General technical difficulties watching peoples’ video submissions

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    • #13637

        Hi guys. I am old and a tech noob and I need help/advice. I LOVE watching everyone’s video submissions but in many (but not all) cases the videos take 10 minutes to watch because they are not loading immediately but tend to stall and freeze and I can’t seem to watch some people’s videos all in one shot. What am I missing here? My wifi connection is ok. But this happens whether I am using my phone or my desktop or laptop…..always with the same folks…Is there a setting I should be using? Do other people have this issue?

      • #13961
        Silks Stars Team

          Sorry for the late reply here Jenny. Since some members upload their videos in 4k resolution it can take longer to view their videos. Watching it in the ‘smaller’ frame can help (rather than making it full screen) but unfortunately sometimes it does take a bit to load

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