October 2023

Forums Monthly Challenges October 2023

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    • #15366
      Silks Stars Team

        Spool Drop to Single Knee Hang and Spool Split to Single Knee Hang (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work here!

      • #15483

          Loving this combo!! The Halloween twist will be tricky as there have been some awesome ones in the past and I’m not that creative 😂

        • #15490

            Is there a safe way to walk this down? I want to try it, but I’m nervous I’ll miss a step in the wrap and would love to try it down low first

            • #15501

                I built it backwards- first just getting comfy with the knee drop out of double crochet, then adding one spool on top, then adding the second. You can also knee snap between spools. That worked for me, in case it helps you? Good luck!!

              • #15522
                Silks Stars Team

                  @ksamuelscrow – Yes! You can certainly practice the lock first before building the drop on top, like @aerial.borealis suggested. How you would do this is pause after hooking the knee over both poles. Instead of climbing up, build the lock around the free leg. Check in with knowing you have built the correct lock as often as you need to build your confidence. Then try the lock after climbing up for one knee hook. You can pause this drop by straightening and bending the leg between each wrap. So in essence, you have three small wraps coming off to make the full drop, and you can pause between each one! And, if you are at the top of the drop and for whatever reason you need an exit without the drop, you can grab under the knee of the hooked leg with the opposite arm so you can release the knee hook while still having a hand on to lower yourself down as needed. Make sure you keep control of the tails while you walk it down by keeping them over your shoulder so you don’t end up with any surprise slack as you exit using your hands. Happy training!

              • #15491

                  I tried the mini rig sequence first and I found out that the kick and toss in wrapping the leg is really hard for me. I have to bend my leg in oredr to pass the silk. Any suggestion on this one?
                  thank you, the sequence is beautiful, as always!

                  • #15502

                      Same! It was actually easier with the spool wraps on top because there’s less sliding pressure. I finally got it by the end of the training session, really had to whip the fabric. You’ll get it! 💪🏼💪🏼

                    • #15512

                        thank you! I didn’t get very well the way you wrap the silk on top…is it safe? thanks again!

                      • #15527
                        Silks Stars Team

                          @robpippi – Can you give more detail about which part of the sequence you are asking about?

                        • #15529

                            Hi! I’m talking about the lock of the left leg, after building the wraps for the spool drop. I have to bend my leg in order to pass the silk behind the thigh

                          • #15530

                              sorry, I read your answer after

                            • #15524
                              Silks Stars Team

                                @aerial.borealis – Great point. You can cultivate enough tension without the spool wraps by pushing the hip of the crocheted leg firmly into the pole as you wrap the first tail over the free leg front to back, keeping the wrap tight to the body with minimal slack. That can give you a stable place to work from for wrapping the second tail back to front. Being able to find friction without numerous wraps is a constant skill for finding more options in silks training!

                              • #15523
                                Silks Stars Team

                                  @robpippi – Great question, tossing the tail over the free leg from back to front does require a fair amount of forward fold flexibility for the hand to pass behind the calf and flick the tail over the foot. It’s totally fine to modify the movement to work with your range of motion. You do want the wrap of both tails to be high on the thigh so they cross and add extra friction, especially for the arch back shape!

                              • #15503

                                  Just getting through it, but marking incremental achievement. Trying to be vulnerable and put myself out there to improve. Just getting through it at this stage, but that alone is an accomplishment, so hooray! Now time to refine and clean, then style…

                                • #15506

                                    Hello! I’ll submit this while I can. Sailing from Fiji to NZ leaving tomorrow, so I am very happy to have tried this before leaving… mininrig version https://www.silksstars.com/community/robin/media/4012/
                                    And I hope to catch up on the other side on September challenge!

                                    • #15526
                                      Silks Stars Team

                                        Boom boom! Safe travels!!

                                      • #15708

                                          Haha! Thanks! Made it in time for ex tropical cyclone Lola, so I didn’t get another chance to work on this. But I am feeling good about November!

                                      • #15508

                                          Other than the Twinkle Toes workshop (which is super helpful!), any other recommendations for getting pointed toes? I think this is a huge weakness for me (from ankle and from toes). Not sure if it is because I have had no dance or gymnastics training or due to older age or just because those muscles are too weak, but I would like to get better here. Thanks!

                                          • #15528
                                            Silks Stars Team

                                              Ah the timeless question for those of us not gifted with fabulous pointes from our genetics! Similar to building flexibility in other areas of the body, working on passive range of motion and active range of motion go hand in hand. Sarah’s Twinkle Toes covers a bit of both. Another field who work tirelessly on not only the aesthetics of a pointe but also the strength needed are ballet dancers. An exploration of ankle workout videos geared towards dancers would be a great place to start. Or even a beginner adult ballet class or barre! Great cross training, works similar muscles groups, and can’t hurt polishing your lines!

                                            • #15531

                                                Thank you! I will consider it a labor of love and maybe one day, I will have those beautiful pointed toes! 🙂

                                            • #15532

                                                I didn’t make it to the live Q&A, but I watched the replay. About the question if the wrap was safe, I wa talking about the answer that I got from @aerial.borealis:

                                                “It was actually easier with the spool wraps on top because there’s less sliding pressure. I finally got it by the end of the training session, really had to whip the fabric. You’ll get it! 💪🏼💪🏼”

                                                I was able to understand the answer only now. She was saying that the version with the spool wraps it was easier than the version in the mini rig… 😀 Thank you for your answers! I will try to wrap the left leg pointing my foot!

                                                • #15535
                                                  Silks Stars Team

                                                    Glad the Q&A was helpful! Sarah has some lovely options for wrapping that second tail 🙂

                                                • #15533

                                                    Hi! I am hoping to get this filmed this month. My issue is that my studio absolutely refuses to let people train “things they learn from the internet”, so I have to (a bit surreptitiously) pretend I am working on skills that I’ve learned with them over the years and actually work on these skills fairly close to the ground. My question is, could I film this with just one wrap on the leg rather than two? That way the drop will not be so big and obvious. Thanks.

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