January 2024

Forums Monthly Challenges January 2024

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    • #15975
      Silks Stars Team

        Back Dive to Chair Sit into Bow Balance and Back Dive Walk-Down to Chair Sit into Ornament Split (mini rig). Post your questions, comments and work below!

      • #15976

          Wow! I LOVE that it’s posted so early! I took a peak! So exciting! Now back to focus on Dec! 😁

        • #16120

            Any conditioning tips for the entry into the mermaid for the full rig? I’ve been working on the ground and slowly working my way up, but from the dead hang it’s tricky. I find it easier when I use my rope as it’s not so thick to hold.

            • #16136
              Silks Stars Team

                Hi Danica, yes you could practice with a rope or practice the entry using one strand of the silks versus both.

              • #16142

                  Excellent, thank you!

                • #16143

                    One other question, on the bow pose my silk falls off my neck and then I drop. Is there any way to secure it better? I feel my silk is a little thick and my neck to small to hold it 😂 I’ve posted a video of what I mean, and how I’ve countered it for now ❤️


                  • #16150
                    Silks Stars Team

                      This looks like a great modification! Brett will cover any other ideas in the Q&A!

                  • #16141

                      Today, the system allowed me to upload my video for the December challenger in my profile – small victory dance 💃. Now on to January!
                      My apologies for the delay!

                      • #16151
                        Silks Stars Team

                          No apologies, Helene! Your ‘free range’ video on the forum thread was noted <3.
                          Happy training!

                      • #16162

                          Ok, this is so FUN! I do NOT have that fancy entry in my wheel house YET, but I see Jan will be a core centered month for me and I’m loving it! Now, 2 questions so far: that sit pose looks fabulous on Brett, but I look like a hunched over… I’m not sure what 😂, but it’s not cute. What am I missing? 2nd question- after the back dive I am REALLY STRUGGLING to get my breeder hips through the loop. Obviously Brett’s hips are narrower than mine, but any suggestions?


                        • #16176

                            On the mini rig version, when Brett does the faux back dive, what keeps him from slipping? He has both his feet straight up in the air. I find if I don’t bring my left leg forward at a 90 degree angle that I slide down. Thanks!

                            • #16184
                              Silks Stars Team

                                Great question, will add to Brett’s Q&A list for this Thursday!

                            • #16179


                                Hi. January will be ultra busy and so my SilksStars training time is limited. It seems like the only day I can record is Jan 10, before the Q&A. Thus I’d greatly appreciate feedback on how to improve. See the attached video of my rendition of the mini rig challenge. Greatest struggle is how to smoothly go to an upright position after the back dive, in order to go to chair sit. Please give comments and tips 🙂 Thank you.

                                • #16185
                                  Silks Stars Team

                                    Brett may not have time to review before the Q&A but we are on it!

                                  • #16187

                                      No worries. Thanks.

                                    • #16190
                                      Silks Stars Team

                                        For the Back dive walk out to chair, keep your hand on the tail and let it slide through your hand as you turn to find the chair sit. You need the tension but more slack to move through the wrap to get the chair seat.
                                        Great progress! Happy training!

                                      • #16192

                                          Super thanks. This tip came right on time as I start to train 30min from now. Thank you 🙂

                                        • #16193

                                            Super thanks. This tip came right on time as I start to train 30min from now. Thank you 🙂

                                          • #16194
                                            Silks Stars Team


                                          • #16181

                                              can I do the mini rig wrap high up and then proceed into regular back dive to sit to bow? The beat to leg thread is a total mystery to my body….not happening! lol

                                              • #16183
                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                  Sounds like a solid variation! Will include for Brett’s Q&A list as well.

                                              • #16196

                                                  Is there a variation of the bow pose? I didn’t want to omit it entirely and I can get into the position…but I don’t have enough flexibility in my back to actually get a bow so it looks ungainly (think fish on a line). I was trying out something that had one bent leg instead of both but I haven’t found anything vaguely pretty yet.

                                                • #16197

                                                    Zoë going to teach!!!!!! I’m so happy! We are all in for a treat! She is the most positive person I’ve ever met and she will have us doing things we didn’t know we could do! This is awesome!!!! THANK YOU!

                                                    Now, sorry I missed the Q&A. Off day 🥴. I watched the replay and thanks for all the tips. The sliding question was about the walk down drop. When upside down, I’m sliding out of the wraps. They come down my thighs unless I kick my left leg forward and horizontal to hold the wraps up high. Brett does a dramatic stop pose upside down for just a moment.

                                                    • #16201
                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                        Yes! We are so excited about Zoe being here!
                                                        For the walk down of the back dive, check if you are keeping tension on the tail so the wrap doesn’t get any slack you don’t need until the chair sit transition and if you are pressing the top leg back into the wrap as the front leg moves forward. There is a use of pressure between the lock and the leg to create the friction to keep the slide. The wraps want to start high and tight around the thighs, right under the bum, so your power is maximized when you press into the back of the thighs before the legs move forward of the pole. Brett does hit a toes upright pose, but the toes are not quite straight up to the pole and that slight angle back is useful!

                                                    • #16202

                                                        Is anyone else having trouble hinging forward before that bow pose? Brett makes it look so easy but it’s not happening for me yet. Any tips on how to make that happen?

                                                      • #16203

                                                          Is momentum involved in getting into that hinges position? Does the cross in the wrap have to make it to the middle of my back? Is the loop around my waist or should it be on my hips somehow and if so how?

                                                          • #16204
                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                              Great questions, Jill! The wrap wants to be around the waist with the bite or the cross of the wrap fully behind you and above the pelvis on the back. From the slide to get the wrap above the hips from the chair sit, think about the toes going up to the ceiling and the chest going down as the cross of the wrap travels to behind the back. It’s a variation of doing a wheel down but on a diagonal on purpose. It can be ‘exciting’ for people with a center of gravity in the hips and longer legs. The backline of the body really has to stay activated to keep the hips open because if you fold forward before the bow shape, it can take lots of work and power to get those legs back up over head! Brett’s cue to think about the hips pressing forward to move the chair sit wrap up to the waist can be used the whole way into that belly down, bow shape. Happy training!

                                                          • #16262

                                                              Ok! All of that was VERY helpful and I am making progress on that part now. THANK YOU! Now on the drop I am finishing the chair with the wrap already around my waist instead of under my bum. What am I doing wrong?

                                                              • #16274
                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                  Hey Jill! Sounds like you are very efficient in your back dive as this drop typically ends with the wrap around the waist, pole either along side the body or behind the back. The variation Brett is doing here pikes/hinges forward at the hip right before the end of the rotation to find the chair sit pose, or you can think about bringing the knees up in front of you to find the sit, and the pole ends up in front of you. The demo video catches the perfect angle this month between mins 2:30 and 2:40. A slight adjustment to the angle of your legs to hips at the final part of the drop should help. Happy training!

                                                              • #16327

                                                                  That hinge back and thread thru. To get in the back dive . Sometimes I find it and sometimes I don’t. Not sure what I’m missing. Any suggestions?

                                                                  • #16342
                                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                                      It’s a tough one! Brett recommends working on it from the floor and then trying with a single strand, depending on your base strength of the hinge at the shoulder and the grip power for a single arm hang. Being able to compress the knees to the chest as the chest moves away from the pole with the hinge at the shoulder are the two big strength requirements to finding this particular pathway. The chest moving away from the pole leaves room for the leg to thread through. If you have a solid compression for the tuck, you still need the chest away from the pole. If you have the power in the shoulder to move the chest from the pole, the leg still has to be able to compress to where the chest is. Hope this helps, happy training!

                                                                  • #16331

                                                                      I uploaded my first video for the January Challenge! And now I’m a bit worried that I didn’t do it right! Because it’s the end of the month and I just joined, I opted for the “mini rig” version (entrance and ornament split) with the back dive… wondering if that is okay? I am also working on VERY new extra stretchy and thick fabric so I’ve been finding this combo quite challenging. I submitted using my studios silks which are a bit thinner and more worn out (so not as bouncy) and it made it so I was able to actually fully rotate into the chair without grabbing the post haha. Mine were not sliding through at all (they don’t like hands free wheel downs right now either). Anyway I just wanted to make sure the modification is okay even though I still did the full drop…. Or should I have just done the walk down for the full sequence for the mini rig?

                                                                      Thanks in advance!

                                                                      • #16341
                                                                        Silks Stars Team

                                                                          Hello! Modifications and a little mix and match from each challenge option works great. We are looking for performance of the skill elements of the challenge and how polished the work is. People post works in progress, fully polished sequences, and every step of the process in between. The journey is yours!

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