January 2023

Forums Monthly Challenges January 2023

  • This topic has 36 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Robin.
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    • #12788
      Silks Stars Team

        Option 1: Sleeping Beauty to Handstand Single Knee Slide
        Option 2: Sleeping Beauty to Handstand Front Walkover (mini-rig)
        Share your comments, questions, and work from this month’s combination below!

      • #12789

          This is such a cool choreo!!! I love it. Looking forward to a great start of the year. Thanks Brett, it has your signature all over it. Great!

        • #12894

            I am so excited to play with this one!!!

          • #12921

              Did the ground handstand workout yesterday. Sore today. I love that!!!

            • #12926

                Any quick tips for elbows that hyper extend when straightening to load in the handstand?
                This has always been an issue for me and I’ve pretty much always avoided all handstands because I’m old and avoiding injury risk just seemed like the better option 🤣🤣
                Not actually sure if I’m just being overly cautious. I’m sure a solid few weeks of working on them ground and air will help but…
                Keen for any tips or advice early on.

                • #12932
                  Silks Stars Team

                    Hi There! Be sure to practice the ground drill that Brett demonstrates in the tutorial. Also- he will go over this during Thursdays Q&A….

                  • #12942
                    Silks Stars Team

                      We spoke with Michah about this, and he recommends some corrective exercises for students with hyper extended elbows. It’s in debth and the exercises depend on the specific student so he recommends virtual lessons. You can find him on Instagram @micah.Walters.movement

                    • #12947

                        Okay I’ll keep that in mind thank you ☺️

                    • #12933

                        Does it make a difference if the silks are in front of your arms or in back when doing the handstand? I’m finding I’m having trouble keeping my right arm straight and tipping over when trying to release the right leg.

                        • #12944
                          Silks Stars Team

                            Yes, the silks should end up on the sides of your arms. There isn’t any wrapping of the arms in any way, only the shelf created with the hands. Keep Conditioning your handstands on the ground this month to build up endurance and push extra when turning out/gently releasing the right.

                        • #12934

                            Some questions.

                            – how do you correctly stack bodyparts in handstand? Normally i built up from floor to sky, but that does not seem to work giving legs are already in chrochette. What us the correct rotation of the shoulder (chest in)? Any thoughts
                            -how do you prevent leaning into one pole, find it difficult to possition my hands so my body is centered and does not lean to one side).
                            – when performing the knee drop after the handstand i get skinburn in my knee. I wear a longy (legs covered). Any tips?
                            – also the direction for the drop i miss, you drop towards your front (belly), you lower the left leg, hooks right and keeps arms straight, correct?

                            Amazing choreo, love it, thanks

                          • #12938
                            Silks Stars Team

                              Great questions! Brett will go over all this during Thursdays q and a!

                            • #12939

                                I’m really in trouble with the knee hook and holding the silks with my hands after the handstand. I’m just sliding. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

                              • #12941

                                  I have a tip for practicing the handstand in the fabric – do it with a low knot. I tie the knot a couple of inches off the ground, stand and crochet and setup the hand placement. You’re close to the ground so bailing out is easier. This one is really tough on shoulders and requires good core. Also definitely need to cover the knee.

                                • #12951

                                    Hi there! I started working on the January challenge sequence today and I have some concerns about the handstand. Ever since my shoulder injury in 2021 handstands of all sorts (ground and air) have been super sketchy for me, so I was wondering if there is any way to modify it to take some of that strain off my shoulders (like maybe make an x on my back before setting up my hands, or something like that). Any thoughts/advice? I’ll definitely keep trying to work on it but I may end up just skipping from the sleeping beauty to the front walkover if I’m still not comfortable.

                                    In the meantime, here’s what I have so far for the sleeping beauty part: https://www.silksstars.com/community/tguthrie/media/3180/
                                    It definitely needs to be cleaned up but I’m loving the flow of it 🙂

                                  • #12962

                                      Thank you Brett for not calling me out in the Q&A. Always the gentleman 😉 Sorry I missed it live. Literally JUST missed it 😏

                                    • #12963
                                      Silks Stars Team

                                        These were great questions! Thanks to all who joined us for the q&A. The replay is available as usual in case you missed it 🙂

                                      • #12965

                                          I tried to watch the replay but I don’t see it. Did you post it?

                                          • #12969
                                            Silks Stars Team

                                              Hi there- go to community tab, live q and a, January, password is Handstand.

                                          • #13036

                                              Great tips during the Q&A and I manage to do the first part of the drop controlled and without knee burning. My only is problem is that the moment I move my body through the poles for the last part of the drop where the body turns, I lose control and get acceleration that I cannot stop. Looks like a real drop, but I prefer to have the same Level of control as Brett. Question: What do you use to slow down the last part of the drop. Many thanks.

                                              last part of kneedrop

                                              • #13063
                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                  Are you lowering your free leg down after re-hooking the leg Ogie? Also see if you can make the transition seamless from pushing to pulling down as you slide down from the handstand. Brett keeps some weight into the pole that the knee is hooked on in order to feel more “grounded.” That slight/consistent lean into the pole that the leg re-hooks onto may help slow and smooth that slide down.

                                              • #13066

                                                  Yes, all the cues he told in the q&a i do, leg down, arm straight, push/pull, chest up. Those do not influence the last part for me, but are great tips for the first/middle part. The grounded feeling is missing indeed.

                                                  • #13070
                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                      Try bracing the same side upper elbow against the pole as hooked knee? In the tutorial, Brett has his right knee hooked, and has a strong brace against the pole with the outside of his right arm above the elbow.

                                                  • #13071

                                                      Thanks, will try

                                                    • #13093

                                                        My brain and my body finally figured out the exit after the handstand. But then I’m stock. I can’t let go of either of my hands. I don’t have enough grip and I’m sliding down. What can I do? https://www.silksstars.com/community/manon/media/3188/

                                                        • #13101
                                                          Silks Stars Team

                                                            Hi Manon- it looks like the video you posted cuts off- we can only see the handstand exit. Also- are you using any grip assistance?

                                                          • #13104

                                                              I cut it there because that’s where I’m stock. If I let go of either hand I’m sliding to the ground. And yes, I use some grip assistance. Do you have any suggestions or should I go with the mini-rig version?

                                                            • #13107
                                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                                HI! Brett says-
                                                                Try to get a good knee grip at the end of the slide so the right hand and right knee take all the weight, that way you can take your left hand off. It’s a lot of Grip needed in the right hand. Looks like you are sliding your knee too far down and lifting your chest at the end of the slide instead finishing upside down with the chest. My knee doesn’t slide as close to my hands as your knee is and I think that’s why.

                                                            • #13181

                                                                Hi there,
                                                                This is my first monthly challenge and the upload has been the most challenging for me. Not sure if the upload on my profile worked so I’ll link it below.

                                                                Thanks! 🙃

                                                                • #13182

                                                                  • #13194
                                                                    Silks Stars Team

                                                                      Hi Lili! We are not able to watch the video on your profile page ( probably the file is too large) however, we can see it here. Great work, and welcome!

                                                                    • #13262

                                                                        Thanks! I was able to upload an edited version of the video to my profile as well this morning.

                                                                    • #13311

                                                                        I am a first timer here. Joined later in January, so my video uploaded to my profile is only after a few practices. This was a challenging piece, especially just getting back into regular silk practice. I look forward to putting more effort into the upcoming challenges!

                                                                      • #13346


                                                                          Hi all! I am late but with what I think is a good excuse…I was sailing from Tasmania to NZ. But here is the January mini rig attempt.

                                                                        • #13145
                                                                          Silks Stars Team

                                                                            Hi Natasha! Is this your submission for the month? If so, great! We can see it with sound, don’t worry about the quality. Upload your submission to your personal profile for a review and star rating. You can always upload it here, (to share with the Silks Stars community) but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Great work!

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