February 2023

Forums Monthly Challenges February 2023

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    • #13162
      Silks Stars Team

        Option 1: Explosive Split to Peter Pan Arabesque
        Option 2: Reverse Roll to Loop Split to Peter Pan Arabesque (mini rig)
        post your questions, comments and work here!

      • #13176

          This is awesome Waverly! Can’t wait to get started! 🙂

        • #13361

            Hey! I’m loving the challenge this month. I need some help with the Peter pan though. I’m recovering from shoulder surgery and I’m having to do this on my non-dominant side and it’s way throwing me off. If I hook my left leg knee would I keep the wrap over my right shoulder and flamenco my right hand? If so, when I go to Peter pan, what leg would stay in the loop? For some reason I’m really struggling with getting all this to work. It may just be because I’m doing it on non-dominant so it all feels wrong but just wanted to double check. I’m loving the split though! Lots of fun there!

            • #13386
              Silks Stars Team

                From Waverly-
                To answer their question, yes – if they start by hooking the left leg on left pole, they will scoop that pole’s tail into their right arm and onto the shoulder to eventually flamenco the right wrist on the right pole. From there the same leg as the flamenco wrist would remain in the loop, and the original left knee hook leg would be the free leg. It does sounds like this is confusing because it’s on their non-dominant side as they have the formula right.

            • #13383

                I’m having trouble with the transition between the 2 parts…my knot of silks does not want to drop and I end up kicking it to get it to release. It’s effective but not very pretty. Is anyone else having this problem?

                • #13385
                  Silks Stars Team

                    From Waverly-
                    – How high in the fabric are they? Generally the weight of the tails will pull the loop out and it drops free. Doing this skill without much height will make it more difficult for the fabrics to fall away and apart. I generally have a large pool of fabric on the floor with my rigging and the weight of the tails helps it all fall apart.
                    – Are the silks sticky from rosin or humidity, causing them to stick together?
                    – How much fabric / tail is left hanging beneath the split? Ample tail weight will help the knot fall out – this is kind of piggy-backing on my first bullet.

                  • #13387

                      I’m pretty high in the silks with a substantial tail so there is weight below me. But I live in Hawaii so humidity is a fact of life. I will keep trying.

                  • #13384
                    Silks Stars Team

                      Great questions guys, we will get right back to you with Waverly’s thoughts….

                    • #13390

                        Hi all! This is my only chance to give this a go as Cyclone Gabrielle is on its way. Like some others I had trouble dropping the loop, and other transitions. If I get a chance after the cyclone I will hold positions longer too.

                      • #13396

                          Funny February Fail

                          February fail

                          • #13402
                            Silks Stars Team

                              Ahhhhh, yes these things happen!

                            • #13403

                                I laughed so hard at myself! 😂😂😂

                            • #13399

                                In coming out of Peter Pan, I’m having a little trouble getting my dropped leg back up to the hooked one. I think it’s a flexibility issue. I’ll keep working on it but is there any tips or alternatives if I can’t get it back up nicely?

                                • #13401
                                  Silks Stars Team

                                    Hi! Waverly will go over this during next weeks Q&A!

                                • #13404

                                    Hi Waverly. I’m having trouble with Peter Pan. My legs end up below by my shoulders. How do I get shoulders lower than my legs?

                                  • #13407

                                      Hi! Looking for tips on ending in an even split i am finding myself a bit lopsided as i lower into split ie one half closer to floor. Wondering if I should lower from hitch in straddle then twist into split or is it better to twist into split then wriggle down hitch above head 🤯 And any tips to drape the silk over my feet without having to bend my legs to reach my feet

                                    • #13410
                                      Silks Stars Team

                                        Wonderful questions! Waverly will go over all this during Thursday’s Q & A!

                                      • #13413

                                          Hi friends. I am having a hard time at the very end of Peter Pan sequence letting go of the pole with my left ( formerly flamencoed hand) My right hand and right pinched knee seem to slip and I just slide down all tangled up. Is this a strength issue?!

                                        • #13417
                                          • #13418

                                              Hi I can’t make the q and a today but was wondering if you have any tips for the front drop part? I can do it but it’s scary and takes me a second to psyche myself up to let go with both hands and grab the tails to put on my shoulders. I’ve never been good with the front falling.. 😅

                                              Also having trouble getting my leg back in after the Peter Pan part. Also Kind of feel like my arms are too high, is there a good way to measure arm placement? Thank you!

                                            • #13420

                                                Hi friends. I am having a hard time at the very end of Peter Pan sequence letting go of the pole with my left ( formerly flamencoed hand) my right and and right pinched knee seem to slip and I just slide down all tangled up. Is this a strength issue?!

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