April 2021

Forums Monthly Challenges April 2021


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    • #4307
      Silks Stars Team

        Option 1: Footlock Thread into Falling Angel Arch
        Option 2: Footlock Thread into Straddle Back Arch (Mini rig)
        Share your comments, questions, and work from this month’s combination below!

      • #4308

          The videos for April have not yet been uploaded to the monthly challenges’ section. Nice teaser! 😂

          • #4309
            Silks Stars Team

              Haha, yes not yet, still adding finishing edits. April’s videos should be up in the next couple days 🙂

            • #4314

                Looking forward! 🤩

            • #4329

                There is a typo error in the year. It’s 2021 now 🙂

                Looking forward to seeing the Video 🙂

              • #4385

                  This is a beautiful sequence. Thank you for this 🙂 I have 2 questions:
                  1) My rig height is 12 feet only (and I am a short person). And yet, I can safely do Legless Falling Angel (in the MTS program) and Falling Angel. I have done these repeatedly and find my rig height to be ok. Does this mean I can do the Falling Angel Arch with my rig environment too?
                  2) about the preparation part in Falling Angel Arch- After the inversion and leg crochet, can I do the X at the back 2x to ensure no slack during the 360 degree rotation?

                  • #4422
                    Silks Stars Team

                      Hi Janice! Yes, absolutely if you can do a falling angel safety on your rig then you can do this version no problem (some people have mini rigs they are not rated -safe- for drops which is why we created the alternate version). Let me get back to you on your 2nd question, I want to make sure the position you described is safe to add an extra ‘X’ to, that might be a viable option but I need to confirm. Thanks! – Rachel

                    • #4447

                        Thanks Rachel. I was just remembering the Airplane-tail catch in the November challenge. There, making a second “x” at the back was helpful for not losing height. So I was wondering if such technique can be used for this April challenge too. Super thanks again for this lovely sequence creation.

                      • #4634
                        Silks Stars Team

                          Hi Janice, I (Rachel) played around with adding a second ‘x’ after the straddle/crotchet but because the legs have already been wrapped (during the inversion) it is not possible to add a second ‘X’ after the crotchet. Sorry about that!

                      • #4404

                          I’m excited for the backbend video! It’s something I am constantly working on!

                          • #4423
                            Silks Stars Team

                              Yay! Let us know if you have any questions, there is A LOT of info!

                          • #4405

                              Ditto about working on backbends! Thank you for this motivator….also what a beauty sequence 🙂

                            • #4453

                                https://www.silksstars.com/community/susi/media/860/ Hi all! I swear this time I thought I couldn’t do it 😅😅😅 I’m so happy that I managed to fo the video and figure out this entry! This entry was really a huge challenge for me, I was training alone and sometimes the silks opened crossed and I couldn’t understand why… that was the most frustrating and struggling experience! But finally, on the last day I could finally understand what I was doing wrong! And that’s why I’m so grateful for you Silks Stars. Until last minute I didn’t give up, sometimes I trust myself more then others, and why was down, I asked, why, why am I doing this. The answer came clear: because I love aerials and because I can! So I’ll work on.it until I’m exhausted! I’m happy, confident again! A million thanks to all of you for your sharing ❤ Keep strong, healthy and happy! 😍🥰😘🙏

                                • #4460
                                  Silks Stars Team

                                    Great job Susi! Congratulations on not giving up, what an incredible example of resilience and courage you are!

                                  • #4707

                                      Thank you so much! 🙂

                                  • #4467

                                      I love the climb in Rachel’s performance example! I’d tried to learn something similar for March silk stars but the spinning was no good for the split silks entry we had that month. This time though! Is there anywhere we can find hints on this climb?

                                      • #4532
                                        Silks Stars Team

                                          Hi Caroline! Rachel will be teaching this climb in a little ‘bonus’ tutorial coming your way this month, stay tuned for details!

                                      • #4489


                                          S.O.S. There’s something wrong with how I am doing the twisty moves in the April challenge. Please see the video of my first training. There seems to be hardly no space between the 2 poles, thus I would cheat by moving away the Silk that’s blocking my way. Please tell me how I can correct this. Thanks!!!

                                          • #4533
                                            Silks Stars Team

                                              Hi Janice, you are rotating your left hip towards the right as you reach your left arm between the poles which is causing the poles to ‘close up.’ Keep your left hip back and your lower body back in order to create space to reach your left arm through. Rachel will go over this in more detail in the Q & A this month.

                                            • #4569

                                                Super thanks for assessing what went wrong. I really appreciate this personalized coaching-forum. And I look forward to watching Rachel in the Q&A. Thank you very much.

                                              • #4571
                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                  You are welcome Janice!

                                                • #4587

                                                    Soooo excited about bonus tutorial for the climb! I echo what Caro said about the gorgeous climb that Rachel does in the April demo ~ 🙂

                                                  • #4611
                                                    Silks Stars Team


                                                  • #4607

                                                      Can we use a dancer’s footlock rather than a figure 8 footlock? 🙂

                                                    • #4631

                                                        Blooper reel….can’t figure out the second thread through sequence…brain misfiring..HAHA


                                                        • #4633
                                                          Silks Stars Team

                                                            Hi Jenny! First half is looking lovely! For the second thread through, don’t twist your hips to the right, keep them facing forward in order to reach your left arm and torso through the poles. Rachel will go over it in more detail at the Q and A this week 🙂

                                                        • #4637

                                                            Here I am! Lovely combo this month! there are some difficulties anyway. No big problems in the first part, but I feel a bit stucked with the x high under the armpits and I always burn my foot (the one in the footlock). to pike during the drop is not easy, it took me several tries to grab the tails and now I have to learn how to stay in the back bend position… here’s a small collage so you can see where I have problems!


                                                            • #4639
                                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                                This is looking good Laura! Yes the Arabesque shape is a little ‘tight’ feeling but you are doing a good job with it. Falling Angel is looking good too, just keep working on the arch shape and holding it a little longer. Great work!

                                                            • #4644

                                                                Hi guys. We’ve been away and I don’t think I’ll get to this combo until later in the month. It’s still worth posting no matter where I’m at with it by month end huh?

                                                                • #4645
                                                                  Silks Stars Team

                                                                    Hi Caroline! Yes, it is still worth posting 🙂 I’m sure you are going to do great, enjoy your time away!

                                                                • #4648

                                                                    Hi! I finally managed to start working on this beautiful combo 😃. I need to explore more the drop since I tend to end up in an unsquared position and I am not yet able to figure out why. Any feedback to improve my sequence and/or artistry really appreciated. I finished the sequence with a little extra. We are still in lockdown here in The Netherlands but I will do my best to train a bit further on it next weeekend. Thanks a lot!


                                                                    • #4655
                                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                                        This is looking really good Yvan! A few details: See if you can work on more fluidity in the arms; As you reach your left arm during the threads (in the footlock) try to give it a bit more ‘life’ and lightness in the fingers (the ‘Armography’ workshop will really help with this). Also, press your shoulders down in the Arabesque 🙂
                                                                        For the drop: Your right leg was leading a little (after the pike) in this video causing things to get lopsided. Great work, hope to see more this month if you can manage. Stay safe!

                                                                      • #4656

                                                                          Thanks for the tips and for the guidance 🤩. I will absolutely add the Ch-Arming video to my daily routine to help me gain more awareness of the fluidity of my arms and fingers.

                                                                      • #4657
                                                                          • #4661
                                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                                              Nice work Kary! Next try adding a spin in the beginning and focus on more fluidity in the arms during the thread throughs, great start!

                                                                          • #4660

                                                                              Halfway through April and posting early for feedback. Found the entry really challenging to understand but MAYBE I have it now? One of my discoveries is to not climb high as I need enough slack at the top to thread through. Being on a sort-of mini-rig where I can sometimes get away with doing things at the tippy top of the carabiners, this combo wasn’t one of them! Trying to figure out how to make use of all the extra fabric as well. Work in progress! https://www.silksstars.com/community/victorszeto/media/

                                                                              • #4662
                                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                                  This is really nice Victor! Yes the entry is definitely more challenging closer to the rigging but you did really well here. The extra tail is making it more challenging because the spin is causing it to tangle up a little (can you use a shorter fabric? Otherwise perhaps a little less spin) keep working on even more expression through your arms and fingers particularly during the thread throughs. Great work!

                                                                                • #4713

                                                                                    Thank you! I’m looking into a shorter fabric. Was holding out on using these longer ones on a taller rig so I don’t want to cut them, but alas we are on a never-ending lockdown up here in Ontario. Ugh. Grateful I can still practice at all.

                                                                                • #4669

                                                                                    Hi! I have just has a chance to try this months challenge. I know I have to make it clenear for the submission. Any feedback welcome!

                                                                                    Take care


                                                                                    • #4672
                                                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                                                        Lovely quality Niksa! keep working on smoothing out the ‘thread’ sequence (try to find your balance in the Crucifix/neck balance moment) and for the Falling Angel, try to pike in order to slow down your rotation and grab those tails! Looking very nice!

                                                                                    • #4691

                                                                                        https://www.silksstars.com/community/susi/media/ Hi team! I was happy when finally could get that entry a litke smoother but the drop it’s not so nice…so I really hope I can find the time to try it again! Also need to clean that transition to arabesque, from where I’m feeling a bit tight it’s hard for me to twist my hips without a litle bending on the knee to get the cross in the proper place… maybe some lack of hip mobility? Wish you all a safe and happy training!

                                                                                        • #4696
                                                                                          Silks Stars Team

                                                                                            This is is really lovely Susi! Beautiful style and quality.The drop is actually quite good, a little more repetition will help smooth it out even more. Really nice work!

                                                                                          • #4706

                                                                                              yeah! Thank you so much! I’ll keep working on it! 🙂

                                                                                          • #4699
                                                                                              • #4708
                                                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                  So good!! Drop is looking fabulous, as is your back arch!

                                                                                                • #4711

                                                                                                    Thanks! 🙆🏻‍♂️

                                                                                                • #4718

                                                                                                    Hello everyone,
                                                                                                    My April Challenge is much better than before but I still have a major problem when I drop to catch the tails : I’m bouncing 🤪
                                                                                                    It’s not pretty and it hurts! And after that I can’t do the arch properly 😑
                                                                                                    Do you have any tips? 😅
                                                                                                    Thx in advance 🙏🏻😬

                                                                                                    • #4722
                                                                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                        Hi Auda! This is looking good. For the drop, you are pausing a little too long when grabbing the tails, try to move through this a bit faster and drive your heels over your head to help with the rotation. Try to leave your toro back (rather then bringing it up) to help achieve the arch position. Good work!

                                                                                                      • #4730

                                                                                                          Thx a lot ☺️😘

                                                                                                        • #4762

                                                                                                            Maybe I am wrong about this, but aren’t you supposed to put the fabric poles in front of the shoulders before pulling up and doing the leg wraps in the fallen angel drop? From the video, it looked like that did not happen. Please ignore, if I am off-base about this. Carmen

                                                                                                          • #4763

                                                                                                              Actually you’re right if you want to do exactly what she is doing. But you can make it simpler (i mean with less unnecessary moves) like this: the result is the same.

                                                                                                            • #4765

                                                                                                                Interesting. Thanks

                                                                                                              • #4764
                                                                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                  Yes Rachel does demonstrate this sequence with the strands on her shoulders, this helps to separate the tails and makes it easier to get the first leg wrap for the Falling angel nice and high. If you prefer to take out the shoulder wraps that is fine just try to separate the strands and wrap the legs cleanly

                                                                                                              • #4721

                                                                                                                I was hoping to have a better video to post by now, but I’ve had some back issues for the last week or so. This was my last training session before it started bothering me. It’s beginning to feel much better, thankfully! I’ll be submitting a better one before the end of the month, and excited for our extra choreography challenge “Act Up”, which feels like a birthday present in a way haha (I’ll be 30 on the 27th)! Any feedback appreciated as always 🙂
                                                                                                                Here is my current progress for April

                                                                                                                • #4723
                                                                                                                  Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                    Lovely work Kittie! Drop and arch look beautiful. For the thread throughs, try to think about the placement of your arms a little more (energy through the fingers, reaching the arms etc). Sorry to hear about your back, I hope it feels better soon! And happy birthday for the 27th!!

                                                                                                                • #4725

                                                                                                                    Actually have an April in Progress video this month!I finally got the thread through pieces to where I’m mostly happy with it (always room for improvement) and now just shifting my focus to actually reaching for the tails instead of for the poles as I drop through. One of the main things that seemed to be getting in my way was my pandemic ponytail getting caught in the crossback, but once I got that out of the way things went much smoother. Thanks for a super fun combo!

                                                                                                                    • #4728
                                                                                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                        Looking beautiful Nikki! Keep working on piking to reach for the tails to slow down the rotation, great start!

                                                                                                                      • #4729

                                                                                                                          Thank you!

                                                                                                                      • #4742

                                                                                                                          Hi guys! I’m having problems with the drop! Lately everytime I grab the silks after the drop, legs don’t go down together, one goes down faster and my drop finishes sideways… why?????? Also I have to close my legs a lot before dropping, in order to grab the silks 😓

                                                                                                                          • #4743
                                                                                                                            Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                              Hi Laura, it’s likely that you are going into the drop with your hips being uneven, this usually causes a sideways effect/uneven drop. Try to really square off your hips before dropping. Closing the legs is fine if it is helping to grab those tails, just be sure to open the again for the arch.

                                                                                                                          • #4756

                                                                                                                              Challenge video

                                                                                                                              I managed to work through this one. Needs a bit of work still but hopefully when I’m back on tour I will be able to train much more often

                                                                                                                              • #4757
                                                                                                                                Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                                  Beautiful work! Such lovely style and flow, beautiful musicality and ‘arm-ography’ also, great job!

                                                                                                                                • #4766

                                                                                                                                    Thank you very much 😊

                                                                                                                                • #4841
                                                                                                                                    • #4845
                                                                                                                                      Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                                        Lovely Manon, beautiful flow and artistry. In the Arabesque, see if you can take your arms off for a moment (in a low ‘V’ shape) to really show that line. Great job!

                                                                                                                                      • #4893

                                                                                                                                          Thanks ! Oops ! I forgot about it. I was holding on my « Courage » 🥴. I don’t think I will have the time to jump on my silks today 😩, but I will certainly for my own satisfaction, do it again and keep your feedback in mind.

                                                                                                                                        • #4894
                                                                                                                                          Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                                            No worries, looking great up there, keep it up!

                                                                                                                                        • #4862

                                                                                                                                            My message from yesterday did not get any feedback so I removed it and recopied it here:

                                                                                                                                            I finally managed another training today…


                                                                                                                                            I am not feeling at my best… I am having several pains in my body and consequently not being able to bend very deep in any direction. I guess not being able to do big movmements helps me focus in more subtle aspects of the choreo. I am seeing the physio again today and if all works fine in principle I am training again today so any last minute feedback appreciated 🙆🏻‍♂️❤️.

                                                                                                                                            • #4874
                                                                                                                                              Silks Stars Team

                                                                                                                                                Lovely flow Yvan! Sorry to hear about your body pain 😞
                                                                                                                                                If you have another chance to train again, try to smooth out the 2nd ‘thread through’ and reach long with the left arm without needing to adjust the right pole with your right hand. It looks very nice, take care of yourself! ✨

                                                                                                                                            • #4910

                                                                                                                                                Fantastic feedback! I was not even aware that the 2nd thread could be done with one hand. Thanks a lot! I managed to squeeze some last minute efforts and this is my final submission for this month:


                                                                                                                                              • #4959

                                                                                                                                                  Very busy this month but I always squeezed in some time to play! Could have used another week to fine tune it! https://www.silksstars.com/community/rbatignani/media/

                                                                                                                                                • #5018

                                                                                                                                                    Finally got to this lovely combo – just in time! My computer says I uploaded at 11.16pm PDT 30 April – hopefully you caught that I was on that side of midnight. It was fun – I didn’t quite have the same time for personalising it however that bit is becoming more natural thanks to doing this every month. https://www.silksstars.com/community/caro/media/

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