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    Hey there! I am so excited to be a part of Silks Stars. I am a hairstylist by day, aerial instructor at night. Most of the time I play with straight silks, sling and rope. Sometimes I dabble with trapeze and lyra as well. I’ve been practicing aerial for almost 9 years now and teaching for 3 years. Since I started teaching 5-6 days a week, I’ve noticed that I don’t get much time to practice and explore for myself. I’m hoping with this program and the community of supportive aerialist it has brought together, I will be able to rediscover the student and performer in me! I look forward to chatting and getting to know all of you!

    Name: Cassi Rowlett…last name due to change in May 🥰
    Location: Marietta, GA
    Preferred app: Straight silks
    IG: @cheeky_southern and @CassiRowlett (general account)