Reply To: September 2023

Forums Monthly Challenges September 2023 Reply To: September 2023

Silks Stars Team

    Practice is certainly part of it! Sometimes when training a skill with a lot of sensation, setting a goal of trying it two to three times per session gives your body time to acclimate. Making sure the wrap starts tight around the leg side of the ankle before settling in to prevent uneven cinching is another aspect to consider. Strengthening the flex of the foot so when you are hanging, you are activated into the fabric rather than your foot being pulled away from the body is another place to find some comfort. And breathing! Some of the training we do where discomfort is a part of it is retraining the sensation. If we can comfort the body and brain in the skill, it’s yet another layer of training the body to find the ankle hang to be less daunting. Listening to your body in the process is key! Happy training!