Reply To: July 2022

Forums Monthly Challenges July 2022 Reply To: July 2022

Participant Hi lovely aerialists! Here in Macau we’re still in lockdown, studios, gym, health clubs still closed 🥺 so I tried this routine at home and I was really struggling and always ended on my knees 🤣🤣 My amazing aerial team allowed me to sneak into the studio twice just to try SilksStars 😃😃😃 I need to confess I was freaking out with this balance and again practice alone feels creepy… but I’m happy I did it, I know it’s not clean but I’m not sure if I can go back to studio before the end of the month, so, at the moment, this is it! Meanwhile after 19 years I’m leaving Macau for good, so if you find any emotional mess in this video it will, actually, make me very happy ah ah … it’s all about awareness and connections, right? Wish you all the best! 🙌😘