Reply To: August 2023

Forums Monthly Challenges August 2023 Reply To: August 2023


    This sequence is full challenges. Wish we can have 3 months of training for this (lol). Attached is a video link to visualize my questions regarding the Double Melty Star drop:

    1) In my back balance, my body is still upright, almost like a standing position. The lock of the wrap is already close to my armpit. Is this ok, given that I am short and not back-bendy? What silk-adjustment or body-part adjustment must be done?

    2) As my back balance is in an upright position, the tail is falling and so I am afraid the wrap’s lock will unlock. Thus I ended up holding the tail for security. What can be done to make that lock stay locked?

    3) Points for improvement on my video would be appreciated.

    Thank you!